Wednesday, March 31, 2004

Take the 100 Acre Personality Quiz!

Sora... can't believe we are the same pooh character... haah!

bitched @ 7:51:00 AM
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Tuesday, March 30, 2004
This site is certified 47% EVIL by the Gematriculator

This site is certified 53% GOOD by the Gematriculator

bitched @ 9:20:00 PM
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Monday, March 29, 2004

Yingkai met with an accident..

and i was with him.

But we are both alright.

But the car's not fine.

bitched @ 3:28:00 PM
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Saturday, March 27, 2004

The feeling of having sweat oozing out from the skin (not by sitting in an office with spoilt air condition) is so good. it seems like ages since i last payed a few games of squash, ran round the camp and panting away. It's been so lnog since i felt the runner's high.. it feels so good... my motivation now is to start exercising as and when i can... despite feeling pain in my ankle...OUCH!

Been mooding liao.. haha.. the O-R-D mood... not doing work everyday... replying only to one email a day... MARVELLOUS! Going to meet the power of 3 for lunch later... haha... hatching some plot to make the bald man choose his 21st birthday pressie!!! hehe.. even the power of 2 dun know that plan yet.. hiakz hiakz!!!

Yiew is too early... oh no... she is going to start rotting there and later give us her perpetual PMS mood... sianz

The Sex and the City DVD is still lying there in a corner in my room... in the original envelope with my name on it... Lia!!! i am still waiting for you to send me the first 4 seasons... and your Hello Panda and kueh bangkit is on its way... packing now. packing now... and to all those who reads my blog... let me just show you how airhead Lia is... Below is the entire conversation of hers and her friend...

Despite A horrible Monday, I managed to have an enlightening, hillarious MSN conversation with my best friend, Ching2x.

Pardon the words and swearing. It's just our style.
Lia says:
eh kentut (eh farty)
Lia says:
ngapain elo online pagi pagi (watcha doing going online in the morning?)
-=ching=- says:
apa nyet (sup monkey- that's my nick)
-=ching=- says:
gua lagi sakit ni (i'm sick right now)
-=ching=- says:
flu berat ( really bad flu)
-=ching=- says:
tadi ga kuliah ( skipped lecture today)
-=ching=- says:
bosen di rumah (bored at home)
-=ching=- says:
dari kemaren gua dipingit ( i was forced to be home since yesterday)
Lia says:
kacian (poor u - being sarcastic)
-=ching=- says:
eh ga sembuh" ( and it's not getting better)
-=ching=- says:
sue (damn unlucky)
-=ching=- says:
lu ngapain? (watcha doing)
-=ching=- says:
maen friendster ga? ( u have friendster)
-=ching=- says:
add gua donk (add me pls)
Lia says:
males (i'm lazy)
Lia says:
nama lu sape ( what's ur nick)
Lia says:
gua baru dapet hari ini nih ( i just got mine today)
Lia says:
parah banget (really bad)
Lia says:
asli deh hari ini gua sue banget (damn, i was really unlucky today)
-=ching=- says:
dapet apa? ( what did u get)
Lia says:
mens dodol (period u dumb)
-=ching=- says:
kenaapa jadi ikut"an sue? ( so why does it have to be unlucky then?)
-=ching=- says:
yee mens aja sue (it's just a period)
Lia says:
bukan mens doank bego (not just period, dummy)
-=ching=- says:
justru harus kita syukuri (we have to be grateful instead)
Lia says:
iya sih (yea yea)
-=ching=- says:
tandanya kita cewe bego (that means we are indeed girls, u dumb)
Lia says:
-=ching=- says:
maen friendster donk ( friendster pls)
-=ching=- says:
jangan belagu lu (don't be so action aite)
Lia says:
elo tau kan gua paling pelupa sedunia? ( u know that i'm the most forgetful person on earth right?)
Lia says:
tadi gua mo beli kartu thank you buat company gua (just now i wanted to buy a thank you card for a company)
Lia says:
terus gua lupa bawa dompet (and i forgot to bring my wallet)
Lia says:
so gua balik lagi ke apt ( so i gotta go back to the apt)
Lia says:
terus gua beli kartu (then i bought the cards)
-=ching=- says:
goblok (idiot)
Lia says:
lupa beli envelopenya ( but i forgot to buy the envelope)
Lia says:
terus gua balik lagi ( then i had to return again)
-=ching=- says:
bego (stupid)
-=ching=- says:
dodol (dumb)
Lia says:
terus pas gua ambil envelopnya ( then when I got the envelope)
-=ching=- says:
tolol (stupid)
Lia says:
gua nulisnya kebaliiikkkkkkkkkkkk ( i wrote it on the reverse side)
Lia says:
mampus kagak (am i an idiot or what)
-=ching=- says:
bagus itu ("good for u")
Lia says:
untung gua kagak punya anak ( good thing I dont have kids)
-=ching=- says:
emank lu ga ada otaknya ( yeah, u have no brain indeed)
Lia says:
kalo ada anak bingung gua (i'll be confused if i have kids)
-=ching=- says:
iya lu lupa tuh anak anak lu bukan (yea, you'll forget whether that's your kid or not)

Babes and Buddies... enjoy your weekend!

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Sunday, March 21, 2004

-- Personality Disorder Test - Take It! --

Oh gosh... i am an Obsessive-Compulsive... hhmmm

bitched @ 8:21:00 PM
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Thursday, March 18, 2004
::aching all over::

Rubee told me this: Why u always aching one? sore legs, then ache here ache there....

Me: I think my M-E-N-S-E-S are coming...

Can't even turn my head now... neck aches like mad..... sianz! people... who wants to go for P.I.M.P? Rubee is forcing me to sell 15 tickets...

H-E-L-P !!

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Wednesday, March 17, 2004

wish me luck... cross all your fingers......

Mel... thanks for the listening ear.. really appreciate it *muacks*

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Thursday, March 11, 2004

yes.. finally... i got a call from your mum today and have collected the DVDs to Sex and the City... only thing is....

i ahve not watched any episodes before... and the best is u send the whole of Season 5 when i dun even know what went on during the first 4 season.

never mind... as i will be sending u you food.... u can send me back the first 4 seasons and i will be so grateful to you. Already planning to have a SATC marathon... so please help me fulfil this wish!

*somehow or rather... the excitement is setting in... it kinda feels great to be going to SMU...

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okie dokie folks... uploaded new pics from Swee Chin's 21st Birthday celebrations and also Signal Anniversary Fiesta!!!


*still not quite having the euphoria setting in*


bitched @ 8:53:00 AM
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Wednesday, March 10, 2004



I am very pleased to inform you that you have been SUCCESSFUL in your application for admission into the Singapore Management University


Well well.... should i feel excited? i think my MUM's more excited than me.... :P

Anyway..looking at this matter from the half empty point of view, this means i have no time to rest which I SERIOUSLY need.... *sigh*

give me some time for the news to sink into me.... think my mind is too occupied with work to able to feel the excitement and euphoria

Whatever.... happy or not... i think what's more happy today is the fact that i manage to catch up with Aloysius and Karen... some of my best frens that i know from Army... haha!! so happy cause i haven seen them for long!!!

Guess i really need some time for the news to set in... dun feel anything at all.. not 100% blissful

Rubee.. and Pei... see u around in August!

bitched @ 9:31:00 PM
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Monday, March 08, 2004

The Pool Boy

Random Gentle Sex Dreamer (RGSDm)

Friendly and eager. You are The Pool Boy.

A teen at heart, you anxiously move about your daily tasks, hoping, praying for a good, instant lay. You're carefree, enthusiastic, and rarely discouraged. Love is cool, but it's not for you right now. You know what is? Crotches.

You're a fun person in both big and small groups, and your friends trust and love you. Inside you, meanwhile, your lust is only growing. Imagine your beating heart sprouting pubic hair. Exactly. Try shaving that.

Your exact opposite:

The False Messiah

Deliberate Brutal Love Master

If you're not scoring enough--which you aren't--you should adopt new strategies. Lower your standards. Be aggressive. Pool Boys are often submissive and hope (desperately) sex will find them. Realize that passiveness will not hook the horny girls you desire. A bolder approach and sheer repetition will.

When browsing OkCupid, consider both The Dirty Little Secret and The Playstation.

ALWAYS AVOID: The Battleaxe, The Priss

Lia... looks like we are total opposite.. haha!!!

bitched @ 8:32:00 PM
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Multiple Intelligences

Your Personal Evaluation

The Seven Intelligence Areas

Linguistic: 7

Logical-Mathematical: 7

Spatial: 10

Bodily-Kinesthetic: 8

Musical: 7

Interpersonal: 9

Intrapersonal: 8

A Short Definition of your Highest Score

Spatial - the ability to perceive and represent the visual-spatial world accurately, to arrange color, line, shape, form and space to meet the needs of others, to interpret and graphically represent visual or spatial ideas, to transform visual or spatial ideas into imaginative and expressive creations. Possible vocations that use spatial intelligence include illustrator, artist, guide, photographer, interior decorator, painter, clothing designer, weaver, builder, architect, art critic, inventor, or cinematographer.

not even sure whether it's true or not...

bitched @ 8:18:00 PM
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Saturday, March 06, 2004

i know i deserved to be shot. i know i deserved to be hanged. Busy busy busy for the past few weeks. Endless nights, endless meetings, endless reports to hand up. gosh! dun wanna go into those, if not will end up being this whole complaint blog again...

So much have happened since the last time i blog... heard some juicy news from everywhere.... seen people rejoice and have mood swings, seen how people show me attitude out of no reason when it's supposed to be their job to finish the tasks that i have assigned... sad life i am living...

Think the most exciting part of my life now is to plan for Rubee's 21st birthday... still very much in the preparation stage... but then again.. think she will have a great bday party because she has got me and Sorra to be her creative directors... but soon she will be roping in Boon and Nic to help out... ahah.. still cannot forget the idea that Sorra proposed - Strawberry Milk theme with me and Boon dressing up as cows and the girls as Milk maid... think Sorra has the fetish to put on an apron..

Hmm.. was reading an email from Angelia.. found out she has a blog too.. finally!! hehe... and i love the graphics there... so trista

oh gosh... i really forgot what i want to write now... this is the sh*t thing about not writing blog faithfully... sh*t sh*t...

okie... another thing.... just the other day.. met up with the platoon the other day when they came back for the parade.... sense of euphoria surfaced.... been such a long time since we talked.. people like yifan, siyang, jacob, shao, kenny, aloy, qiying... so many more... even those stagmont people who i see practically everyday seems so distant all of a sudden and started talking all about old times...

damn.. Channel 5's showing Are you Hot? again... sometimes just cannot believe the fact that Singapore's tv is going down the drain

With the release of the 'A' levels, haiz... it's back to bad memories again.. but nonetheless, my juniors did pretty well... actually they did pretty well.. so well that the news even said that " this year is the best that AJC has every doen in 10 years" Gosh! that means our batch did quite badly.. haha!

tired. need more sleep. going to sleep.


bitched @ 9:31:00 PM
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