Friday, April 29, 2005
sometimes it feels like JC all over again

It started with a phonecall from a very close friend of mine in JC, whom we will call A in order to protect her identity as the following post is about 2 stupid friends and me

So A calls me and asked me if i wanna have dinner with B and herself at some ma la huo guo place and it's very impromptu... [psst:it's very t h e m to always do this].. and so the conversation moved on to MSN where we had a group chat...

A discussion started about where to eat and each of us had our reasons for N O T going to certain restaurants (e.g too far, no aircon, cats walking around, clothes will stink.. blah blah blah). This went on for an hour or so (and i am still in the chat with them now where we have NOT decided where to eat yet)and stupid suggestions on how to choose the place...

So the plan now is that B will have a list of restaurants/ eating palces which A compiled and they will number them. Following that B will ask her friend(s) to pick a number randomly.

and the result came out to be....

cafe cartel @ bishan

and you think everything's settled? no way

B started to complain about the bad service that cartel provides, while A was all for cartel because she simply likes the pizza in the end A called for an ultimum and said we will eat at Cartel and there we are having a chat with emoticons...

she demanded. and it was all a ploy.

just love them... and if u are wondering who these 2 bimbos are (actually one's smart and one's talented.. and both are pretty).. come down to cartel@ bishan tomorrow (or rather today).

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Tuesday, April 19, 2005
tonight's the night

let sparks fly
let jaws drop
let us succeed
let me succeed

bitched @ 7:16:00 AM
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Friday, April 15, 2005
take my quiz
I made a Quiz for you!
Take my Quiz!
and then
Check out the Scoreboard!

Good Luck!

bitched @ 8:41:00 AM
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Tuesday, April 12, 2005
beautiful memories

i set my pictures to do a slide show.
Spent 1 whole hr looking at maybe 40% of the pictures.
friends have come and go, friendships have formed and broken.
watever it is, i miss my friends. i miss the happy times we have spent together.
most important of all, i miss you.

bring me back to my happy days

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Monday, April 11, 2005
::this is what kept me going::

When the Mafia don of the Black Dragon Triad decided to pass on his inheritance to his sons, little did he know that they would fall prey to four irresistible women - Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter. Like their namesakes, these women will bring the winds of change into the very heart of Shanghai.

With such an intriguing premise, it's hard to believe that this is the preamble for a school bash. After all, it is a truth universally acknowledged that school bashes, in general, are rather insipid affairs. Most of the time, they're merely vehicles for X committee or Y union to fund whichever activities they'd planned, which means it is almost de riguer to be settled for watered-down drinks, shamelessly bad music and equally awful programmes.

Fortunately for us all, SMU Sports Union's (SSU) upcoming bash looks set to revamp this sorry state of affairs. From the same team who brought us Pimp - possibly the best and most opulent party in 2004 - get set for their sophomore effort, nyü: if looks could kill, coming your way this 19th April.

Funkygrad had the great pleasure of interviewing the organising committee (to whom we're eternally grateful for their firm decision to wield their powers for good and pull off what promises to be another tour de force) at the Glass Lounge.

For those who remember the rather machismo-laden Pimp, this year's women-centric effort might come as an interesting departure. Why Old China, of all things? Project Advisor, Rubee Lee (who incidentally was also part of the organising committee for Pimp last year) explains with a hint of a smile, "It was actually off the top of our heads - we wanted a dominant female focus this time around, and Old Shanghai offers a host of scenarios that we can play around with. It's rustic, and it's mysterious."

Project Director, Edmund Lim, was also quick to point out bashes should market an experience, above everything else. "We want the people to leave the bash remembering it, especially since this is a post-exam party for SMU students and a pre-exam stress reliever for both NUS and NTU." Thus, he concludes, there is a pressing need to change people's perception of bashes - "it's not all just about cheap drinks. Everyone should have a good time."

The team met every Saturday in the midst of a hectic school term, no mean feat considering how the team mostly comprised of third year students. "Most of us are veterans from Pimp, so there's a synergy in motion - a mix of the new and old and a passing of the baton to new blood," commented Rubee, a third year student.

A lot of effort went into making sure that the bash adhered to exacting standards - the authenticity of the experience was foremost on their to-do list, sparking off most perplexing question of all - what to name the bash. "We settled on Nyü: If Looks Could Kill," says Janice, the committee's petite Marketing Head, "because it's Shanghainese (local vernacular) for 'women'." Ironically, this meticulous attention to detail had its flipside. "We realised people tended to read it as 'New York University' instead of what it really meant," Janice noted with a wry nod.

Such incidents aside, nyu's publicity effort is extremely impressive. Not only did the team come up with a spectacular storyline that tied in deftly with the nostalgia that 1930s Shanghai evokes, the rest of their publicity campaign is well executed and supported by talented students of SMU. A series of postcards, posters and banners, featuring each femme fatale (and her prey) in her element, is released with great aplomb. They were nothing short of gorgeous: the photographer and layout managed to capture the decadence with a single frame - and coupled with fine copywriting - it is hard to believe that the end product - from conceptualisation, design to finish, was accomplished entirely by a concerted student effort. Perhaps, the best testimonial of the SSU's brilliant endeavor is this anecdote related by Wendy Lim, Logistics Head. "I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing, but our posters have been disappearing ever since we put them up. Thank goodness for our website and online efforts!" Hon, that's definitely a good thing, believe you me.

That's not all, the SSU promises. On the night itself, party-goers can expect a night of glamour and luscious entertainment. There will be songstresses resplendent in cheongsams, playing the zither for your aural pleasure, and even a "Funkygrad Best Dress" competition for fashionistas. Staying true to the thematic nature of the bash, the house is invited to sit back, relax with a drink in hand, and watch with spirited detachment the unfolding of the chain of events set in motion when the Mafia don of the Black Dragon Triad, decided to invite one and all to his birthday party at the Gotham Penthouse.

Are you ready for the seasons of change?

nyü: if looks could kill - Date & Time: 19th April. 9 pm. Venue: The Gotham Penthouse. $16 for 2 drinks. For ticketing and other details, visit the Event Calendar

Are you going?

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Tuesday, April 05, 2005
school's starting to suck

You must be wondering the reason for it being the upcoming exams and stress level building up....


stupid politics and backstabbers in my life is making it so bad, that i would rather have exams and nothing else.

DOWN with all backstabbers and stupid monks

bitched @ 4:40:00 PM
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Monday, April 04, 2005
::mark your calender!::

19th April 2005... you better be there if you read my blog....

you better be there....

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Saturday, April 02, 2005
sushi buffet - here we come!

Been a while since we 4 met up (this does not mean the power of 4) and i am excited about the dinner we going to have in a few hours time!

meanwhile, me and mt are luun-ing in the sch library waiting for time to pass...

and in this library, there is....

1 x Spanish niam-keng nun in pink
1 x sneezing machine


bitched @ 3:45:00 PM
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